Course Setup

Course Name Course Type Name Letter Name Dynamic Column Edit Delete
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY
Description Type And/Or Edit Delete

IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY
Remaining days: 80
Course Name Module Name Duration (Remaining) Module Type Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY Construction and design 16 Construction and design Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY Fabrication, Application and Engineering 24 Fabrication, Application and Engineering Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY Materials and their behaviour during welding 24 Materials and their behaviour during welding Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY Welding Processes and Equipment 16 Welding Processes and Equipment Edit
Module Section Edit Delete

IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY
Mandate Description Type And/or Edit Delete
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY
Description Quantity Serial# Edit Delete

IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY
Description Start Date End Date Edit
JHB01_2021 08-03-2021 19-03-2021 Edit
JHB02_2021 07-06-2021 18-06-2021 Edit
JHB03_2021 06-09-2021 17-09-2021 Edit
JHB01_2022 14-02-2022 25-02-2022 Edit
JHB02_2022 16-05-2022 27-05-2022 Edit
JHB03_2022 15-08-2022 26-08-2022 Edit
JHB04_2022 14-11-2022 25-11-2022 Edit
BETHAL01_2022 STEINMULLER 16-05-2022 27-05-2022 Edit
DEU01_2022 IWP ETA 23-05-2022 03-06-2022 Edit
JHB01_2023 15-05-2023 25-05-2023 Edit
JOHNTHOM01_2023 ACTOM 22-05-2023 01-06-2023 Edit
BETHAL01_2023 STEINMULLER 26-06-2023 06-07-2023 Edit
JHB02_2023 10-07-2023 20-07-2023 Edit
JHB01_2024 12-02-2024 22-02-2024 Edit
JHB02_2024 30-09-2024 10-10-2024 Edit
JHB01_2025 03-02-2025 13-02-2025 Edit
JHB02_2025 29-09-2025 09-10-2025 Edit
Description Venue Max Strength Edit Delete

IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY

Module Start Date End Date Edit
Construction and design 07-10-2025 07-10-2025 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 09-10-2025 09-10-2025 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 08-10-2025 08-10-2025 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 06-10-2025 06-10-2025 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 03-10-2025 03-10-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 02-10-2025 02-10-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 01-10-2025 01-10-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 30-09-2025 30-09-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 29-09-2025 29-09-2025 Edit
Construction and design 11-02-2025 11-02-2025 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 13-02-2025 13-02-2025 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 12-02-2025 12-02-2025 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 10-02-2025 10-02-2025 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 07-02-2025 07-02-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 06-02-2025 06-02-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 05-02-2025 05-02-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 04-02-2025 04-02-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 03-02-2025 03-02-2025 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 03-10-2024 03-10-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 02-10-2024 02-10-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 01-10-2024 01-10-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 30-09-2024 30-09-2024 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 07-10-2024 07-10-2024 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 04-10-2024 04-10-2024 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 10-10-2024 10-10-2024 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 09-10-2024 09-10-2024 Edit
Construction and design 08-10-2024 08-10-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 13-02-2024 13-02-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 12-02-2024 12-02-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 15-02-2024 15-02-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 14-02-2024 14-02-2024 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 19-02-2024 19-02-2024 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 16-02-2024 16-02-2024 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 22-02-2024 22-02-2024 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 21-02-2024 21-02-2024 Edit
Construction and design 20-02-2024 20-02-2024 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 13-07-2023 13-07-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 12-07-2023 12-07-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 11-07-2023 11-07-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 10-07-2023 10-07-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 17-07-2023 17-07-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 14-07-2023 14-07-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 20-07-2023 20-07-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 19-07-2023 19-07-2023 Edit
Construction and design 18-07-2023 18-07-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 29-06-2023 29-06-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 28-06-2023 28-06-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 27-06-2023 27-06-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 26-06-2023 26-06-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 03-07-2023 03-07-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 30-06-2023 30-06-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 06-07-2023 06-07-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 05-07-2023 05-07-2023 Edit
Construction and design 04-07-2023 04-07-2023 Edit
Construction and design 30-05-2023 30-05-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 01-06-2023 01-06-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 31-05-2023 31-05-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 29-05-2023 29-05-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 26-05-2023 26-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 25-05-2023 25-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 24-05-2023 24-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 23-05-2023 23-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 22-05-2023 22-05-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-05-2023 25-05-2023 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 24-05-2023 24-05-2023 Edit
Construction and design 23-05-2023 23-05-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 22-05-2023 22-05-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 21-05-2023 19-05-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 20-05-2023 19-05-2023 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 19-05-2023 19-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 18-05-2023 18-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-05-2023 17-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 16-05-2023 16-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 15-05-2023 15-05-2023 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 26-05-2022 26-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 25-05-2022 25-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 24-05-2022 24-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 23-05-2022 23-05-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 30-05-2022 30-05-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 27-05-2022 27-05-2022 Edit
Construction and design 31-05-2022 31-05-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 03-06-2022 03-06-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 02-06-2022 02-06-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 01-06-2022 01-06-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 19-05-2022 19-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 18-05-2022 18-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-05-2022 17-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 16-05-2022 16-05-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 23-05-2022 23-05-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 20-05-2022 20-05-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 27-05-2022 27-05-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 26-05-2022 26-05-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-05-2022 25-05-2022 Edit
Construction and design 24-05-2022 24-05-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-11-2022 25-11-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 24-11-2022 24-11-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 23-11-2022 23-11-2022 Edit
Construction and design 22-11-2022 22-11-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 21-11-2022 21-11-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 18-11-2022 18-11-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-11-2022 17-11-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 16-11-2022 16-11-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 15-11-2022 15-11-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 14-11-2022 14-11-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 26-08-2022 26-08-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-08-2022 25-08-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 24-08-2022 24-08-2022 Edit
Construction and design 23-08-2022 23-08-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 22-08-2022 22-08-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 19-08-2022 19-08-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 18-08-2022 18-08-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-08-2022 17-08-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 16-08-2022 16-08-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 15-08-2022 15-08-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 27-05-2022 27-05-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 26-05-2022 26-05-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-05-2022 25-05-2022 Edit
Construction and design 24-05-2022 24-05-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 23-05-2022 23-05-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 20-05-2022 20-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 19-05-2022 19-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 18-05-2022 18-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-05-2022 17-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 16-05-2022 16-05-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-02-2022 17-02-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 16-02-2022 16-02-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 15-02-2022 15-02-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 14-02-2022 14-02-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 21-02-2022 21-02-2022 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 18-02-2022 18-02-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-02-2022 25-02-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 24-02-2022 24-02-2022 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 23-02-2022 23-02-2022 Edit
Construction and design 22-02-2022 22-02-2022 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 19-03-2021 19-03-2021 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 18-03-2021 18-03-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 17-03-2021 17-03-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 16-03-2021 16-03-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 15-03-2021 15-03-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 12-03-2021 12-03-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 11-03-2021 11-03-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 10-03-2021 10-03-2021 Edit
Construction and design 09-03-2021 09-03-2021 Edit
Construction and design 08-03-2021 08-03-2021 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-09-2021 17-09-2021 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 16-09-2021 16-09-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 15-09-2021 15-09-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 14-09-2021 14-09-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 13-09-2021 13-09-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 10-09-2021 10-09-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 09-09-2021 09-09-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 08-09-2021 08-09-2021 Edit
Construction and design 07-09-2021 07-09-2021 Edit
Construction and design 06-09-2021 06-09-2021 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 18-06-2021 18-06-2021 Edit
Welding Processes and Equipment 17-06-2021 17-06-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 16-06-2021 16-06-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 15-06-2021 15-06-2021 Edit
Materials and their behaviour during welding 14-06-2021 14-06-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 11-06-2021 11-06-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 10-06-2021 10-06-2021 Edit
Fabrication, Application and Engineering 09-06-2021 09-06-2021 Edit
Construction and design 08-06-2021 08-06-2021 Edit
Construction and design 07-06-2021 07-06-2021 Edit
Certificate Code Course Name Module Name Paper Edit Delete
Initial Exam Rewrite Exam
Course Name Course Group Paper Year Exam Description Exam Category Exam Date Exam Duration Exam Type Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2025 1 2025 Welding Processes and Equipment 10-10-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2025 1 2025 Materials and their behaviour during welding 10-10-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2025 1 2025 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 10-10-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2025 1 2025 Construction and design 10-10-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2025 1 2025 Welding Processes and Equipment 14-02-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2025 1 2025 Materials and their behaviour during welding 14-02-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2025 1 2025 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 14-02-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2025 1 2025 Construction and design 14-02-2025 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2024 1 2024 Welding Processes and Equipment 23-02-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2024 1 2024 Construction and design 23-02-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2024 1 2024 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 23-02-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2024 1 2024 Materials and their behaviour during welding 23-02-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2024 1 2024 Welding Processes and Equipment 11-10-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2024 1 2024 Construction and design 11-10-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2024 1 2024 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 11-10-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2024 1 2024 Materials and their behaviour during welding 11-10-2024 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2023 1 2023 General 21-07-2023 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2023 1 2023 General 21-07-2023 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY BETHAL01_2023 STEINMULLER 1 2023 General 07-07-2023 4.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JOHNTHOM01_2023 ACTOM 1 2023 General 02-06-2023 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JOHNTHOM01_2023 ACTOM 1 2023 General 02-06-2023 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JOHNTHOM01_2023 ACTOM 1 2023 General 02-06-2023 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JOHNTHOM01_2023 ACTOM 1 2023 General 02-06-2023 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2023 1 2023 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 26-05-2022 2.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2023 1 2023 Construction and design 26-05-2022 2.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2023 1 2023 Welding Processes and Equipment 26-05-2022 2.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2023 1 2023 Materials and their behaviour during welding 26-05-2022 2.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY DEU01_2022 IWP ETA 01 2022 General 03-06-2022 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY DEU01_2022 IWP ETA 01 2022 General 03-06-2022 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY DEU01_2022 IWP ETA 01 2022 General 03-06-2022 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY DEU01_2022 IWP ETA 01 2022 General 03-06-2022 3.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY BETHAL01_2022 STEINMULLER 01 2022 General 26-05-2022 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY BETHAL01_2022 STEINMULLER 01 2022 General 20-05-2022 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY BETHAL01_2022 STEINMULLER 01 2022 General 27-05-2022 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY BETHAL01_2022 STEINMULLER 01 2022 General 23-05-2022 1.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB04_2022 01 2022 Materials and their behaviour during welding 22-11-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB04_2022 01 2022 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-11-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB04_2022 01 2022 Welding Processes and Equipment 18-11-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB04_2022 01 2022 Construction and Design 23-11-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2022 01 2022 Welding Processes and Equipment 19-08-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2022 01 2022 Materials and their behaviour during welding 23-08-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2022 01 2022 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 26-08-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2022 01 2022 Construction and Design 24-08-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2022 01 2022 Welding Processes and Equipment 20-05-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2022 01 2022 Materials and their behaviour during welding 24-05-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2022 01 2022 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 27-05-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2022 01 2022 Construction and Design 25-05-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2022 01 2022 Welding Processes and Equipment 18-02-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2022 01 2022 Materials and their behaviour during welding 22-02-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2022 01 2022 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 25-02-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2022 01 2022 Construction and Design 23-02-2022 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2021 P01 2021 Materials and their behaviour during welding 15-09-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2021 P01 2021 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 10-09-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2021 P01 2021 Construction and Design 07-09-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2021 P01 2021 Welding Processes and Equipment 18-06-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB03_2021 P01 2021 Welding Processes and Equipment 17-09-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2021 P01 2021 Materials and their behaviour during welding 16-06-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2021 P01 2021 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 11-06-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB02_2021 P01 2021 Construction and Design 08-06-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2021 P01 2021 Welding Processes and Equipment 19-03-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2021 P01 2021 Materials and their behaviour during welding 17-03-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2021 P01 2021 Fabrication, Application and Engineering 12-03-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit
IIW - International Welding Practitioner - THEORY JHB01_2021 P01 2021 Construction and Design 09-03-2021 8.0Hour(s) Initial Exam Edit