Student Exam Result

Petrus -LEN010
Course Name Course Group Course Module Exam Paper Student Exam Date Result Status Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 Practical: Welds P01 - XVT2AP2018WELDSP01IN Philippus Rudolph-ENG027 16-01-2019 82 P Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 Practical: Written Instruction P01 - XVT2AP2018WRITTENP01IN Philippus Rudolph-ENG027 16-01-2019 83 P Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 General P01 - XVT2AG2018P01IN Gordon-MCG003 16-01-2019 90 P Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 Practical: Casting P01 - XVT2AP2018CASTP01IN Gordon-MCG003 16-01-2019 90 P Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 Specific P01 - XVT2AS2018P01IN Gordon-MCG003 16-01-2019 98 P Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 Practical: Forging P01 - XVT2AP2018FORGEP01IN Gordon-MCG003 16-01-2019 97 P Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 Practical: Welds P01 - XVT2AP2018WELDSP01IN Gordon-MCG003 16-01-2019 100 P Edit
SAIW - NDT : Visual Testing (VT) : ISO 9712 Level 2 JHB05 Practical: Written Instruction P01 - XVT2AP2018WRITTENP01IN Gordon-MCG003 16-01-2019 97 P Edit
SAIW - ASME - Codes of Construction DBN02 ASME VIII & NBIC P01 - XASME022018P01IN S Gilden -GIL006 18-01-2019 70 P Edit
SAIW - ASME - Codes of Construction DBN02 ASME I & IX P01 - XASME012018P01IN S Gilden -GIL006 18-01-2019 91 P Edit